About Us

Manitoba’s Climate Action Team (CAT) is a coalition of environmental organizations in Manitoba working together to envision, investigate, and promote a road to climate resilience in our province. Member groups came together in late 2017 to independently review and consult with the public over the Province’s recently released Climate and Green Plan. CAT was formed one short year later when the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) 1.5 Report was released, stating how fast we need to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent irreversible outcomes. This drove home the need for an intentional, collaborative, and grassroots effort to push toward the future that we want.

Coalition members include Climate Change Connection, Wilderness Committee – Manitoba Office, Green Action Centre, Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition and Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives – Manitoba Office.

Our vision is to build a collaborative and resilient zero-carbon society that operates within the constraints of nature.

Our mission is to provide a framework for individuals, organizations, and communities to communicate and collaborate on a non-partisan, specific, and actionable path that will help Manitoba achieve resilience to climate impacts and move swiftly toward a fossil-fuel free future.


Hannah Muhajarine
Policy Researcher

Curt Hull
Road to Resilience Lead Author & Climate Change Connection Representative

Sarah Reid
Program Coordinator

Josep Seras-Gubert
Green Action Centre Representative

Natalie Smith
Wilderness Committee Representative

Andrea Pelletier
MEJC Representative

Mat Scammell
Volunteer Engagement Coordinator

Molly McCracken
Policy Researcher & CCPA Representative

Bethany Daman
Communications Manager


Manitoba’s Climate Action Team is a part of the Community Climate Hub network which connects grassroots groups across the country working to advance climate action in their communities. Learn more about the network at www.climatehub.ca.