Stories help us visualize a future filled with hope, and they help keep us motivated as we dream about the lives we want our kids, grandkids, and loved ones to experience as they get older.

Stories also help us communicate our fears and anxieties, and help others feel less alone when they see that they’re not the only ones experiencing similar emotions.

This is why we’re looking to Manitobans who have stories to tell through any medium they want to use. Some ideas include:

  • journal entries
  • poems
  • op-eds, letters to the editor, or letters to elected officials
  • fiction or non-fiction writing
  • drawings
  • music
  • paintings
  • videos

Really, we’re looking for anything that communicates your climate concerns or hopes for a healthy, safe, and affordable future. All people living in Manitoba are welcome to submit – no age restrictions, or special qualifications required.

Send your art (or a photo of it) along with any information about yourself you would like to be highlighted to for a chance to be published on our website, social media, and/or art expo in Winnipeg.

Poster that says "Attn: Artists/Writers/Concerned Manitobans" at the top. Underneath it says, "We're looking for: journal entries, poems, letter to elected officials, fiction or non-fiction writing, videos, drawings, music, paintings." In red text below this list is says "that communicate climate concerns or visions of a healthy, safe, and affordable future." There's an image of people standing in front of a fire below this text, with more text beside it that says, "send your climate art to for a chance to be published." 

At the bottom of the poster there are papers that can be ripped off with contact information for anyone interested in submitting art.

Help us promote this call for stories and art by putting up a post in your workplace, church, community centre, or school.