What is the Community for Climate Project?
Thanks to funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada, Manitoba’s Climate Action Team (CAT) has been given the opportunity to partner with a number of communities in Manitoba to find ways to reduce the use of fossil fuels and increase preparedness for climate impacts. To date we have met with 10 different communities to present the Road to Resilience and hear from community members about climate change mitigation and adaptation in their region.
Among these 10 communities, five were Indigenous communities, four were settler communities and one was an urban community. They included Sioux Valley Dakota Nation, Swan Lake First Nation, Little Black River First Nation, Sandy Bay First Nation, Pinaymootang First Nation, Altona, Brandon, Manitou, Clearwater, and Waverley in Winnipeg. Four of these communities (Altona, Brandon, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation and Swan Lake First Nation) moved on to be part of phase two of the Community for Climate Project. In phase two, we are working together to expand climate conversations among citizens, build local knowledge and skills, and draft a community-led climate action plan.
Contacts for Swan Lake First Nation Climate for Community Project
Rhonda Cameron, Lands Assistant Swan Lake First Nation Lands Management Program
email: rhondacameron@slfn293.ca
Cliff Greenfield, Pembina Valley Watershed District
email: cliff@pvwd.ca
Project Areas
Community (Workshops)
Manitoba’s Climate Action Team will be hosting 5-10 free workshops/presentations in Swan Lake First Nation between February 2023 and March 2024. Each workshop will cover a different topic, but all of them relate to how you and your household can be part of mitigating and adapting to climate change in your region.
Earth Team (Community Building Green Audit)
Swan Lake First Nation’s Community for Climate Earth Team are participating in a community building green audit with CAT’s green audits team. We will meet together five times to not only conduct an in-depth green audit of a building in the community, but also equip group members with the skills and tools needed to conduct further audits on their own. At the end of the project the community’s Earth Team will receive a report with recommendations from CAT’s green audits team, as well as small scale climate action support valued at up to $7500.
Working Group (Developing Community Climate Action Plan)
Swan Lake First Nation’s Community for Climate Working Group are participating in a series of consultations and conversations about climate change mitigation in the region. This group will work together with CAT, incorporating contributions from the Earth Team and the broader community (via workshops and presentations), to develop a Community Climate Action Plan. Once the Climate Action Plan has been developed, up to $50,000 will be awarded to go towards implementation of pieces found in the plan.
Community Workshops and Presentations
All events are free to attend. If you have any accessibility requests, please reach out to Cliff Greenfield or Rhonda Cameron