Connecting Communities: Strengthening Public Transportation Options in Rural Manitoba 

This is a photo of a snowy landscape in Manitoba. There are fields and hills in the background, and near the bottom there is a snow covered highway.

Rural communities in Manitoba face significant transportation challenges, relying heavily on personal vehicles and friends for rides. This hinders medical care, economic growth, and community development. While some municipalities offer handi-van services for seniors and those with mobility needs, other groups, like low-income individuals and youth, often lack support.

Research from Manitoba’s Climate Action Team alongside the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has been compiled in our “Connecting Communities” report which includes an exploration of the positive outcomes of inter-community transportation demonstrated in Manitoba and in other jurisdictions, case studies from Ontario and Nova Scotia, results of a public consultation with rural Manitobans, and concludes with recommendations targeted at the provincial government.

Recommendations for the Province of Manitoba to make rural transportation more accessible for all Manitobans:

1. Convene a rural transportation symposium for stakeholders.

2. Establish a provincial network for inter-community transportation stakeholders to share information and build collaborative partnerships.

3. Provide rural municipalities and other interested public sector organizations with training and resources on planning and designing inter-community transportation initiatives.

4. Create an Inter-community Transportation Program delivered by Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation.

5. Aid in the collection, aggregating, and sharing of data by requiring all inter-community transportation providers, including handi-vans, companies, municipalities, employers, etc. across the province to share data on ridership, scheduling, revenue, etc.

6. Re-examine the Mobility Disadvantaged Transportation Program, particularly:

– Increasing funding to ensure sustainability and increase affordability for passengers.
– Encouraging regional coordination to increase efficiency and ensure smaller municipalities benefit from the service.

7. Work with the federal government to:

– Ensure Manitoban communities can access and benefit from rural transit funding through the Canada Public Transit Fund starting in 2026, and advocate for additional federal funding for operations.
– Play a larger role in the coordination and support of inter-provincial transit.

8. Include vehicle reduction and mode-shift targets in provincial climate planning.

9. Develop a green transportation strategy for Manitoba that includes inter-community transportation as an equity-based sustainable transportation solution.

If you’re concerned about the lack of rural public transportation options in Manitoba and want to call on our provincial government to support the recommendations that came out of this research, please send a letter to your elected official!

Questions about Connecting Communities? Please email report author Hannah Muhajarine at