We’re looking for Manitobans concerned about climate change to send Premier Kinew a message!

Friendly Manitoba is one of only a handful of provinces without emission reduction targets written into legislation. Join us in calling for that to change.

Manitoba’s Road to Resilience

Manitoba can meet the goals set out in the IPCC’s 1.5 report. We have a community climate plan to do it.

Manitoba’s Road to Resilience is a series of reports that outline an achievable and concrete pathway to a climate resilient future, while considering human and economic impacts. The series lays out what is needed in order for us to feed, shelter, and transport Manitobans without the use of fossil fuels.

Reports in the series include:

– Volume 1: Community Pathway
– Volume 2: Energy Solutions
– Volume 3: Policy Solutions

Climate Action in Altona

By Sarah Reid, Climate Action Team Community Project Coordinator  This post  is part 1 of 4 and focuses on the Community for Climate Project specifically on Altona Climate Action Plan. For stories about the other communities involved, click here. —-- The Town of...

The Provincial Budget Dreams of a Climate Coalition

For too long, the conversation has been centered around how much it will cost to address climate change and not how much it will cost not to.

Climate inaction is costing us billions

Climate action is preventative healthcare, both figuratively and literally. If we want to live full, healthy lives and use our public resources most effectively, we have to put in the time – and the cash – right now.

Hydro Rate Increases Unnecessary for Building Sector

In light of recent comments by Manitoba Hydro CEO, we’re highlighting an opportunity to save homeowners money and reduce electricity demand by creating a new geothermal utility.

Comparing to China’s Emissions: A False and Inappropriate Rhetoric

Measuring total emissions without taking into account population is inaccurate

75% of Manitobans want our government to Consider Climate

In March 2023, Manitoba's Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives Office, Climate Reality, and Manitoba's Climate Action Team commission a poll through Probe Research in an effort to learn how involved Manitobans think our provincial government should be in addressing...

Review of Manitoba’s emission reduction report card: we’re lagging behind

No further emission increases are tolerable. Any more half-baked measures will half-bake us.

Advice to my younger self

“Hope is short-lived unless coupled with a desire for future worlds that are not depressing but instead so enticing that they might lead us to yearn for a new way of being.”

Launch of Affordable Energy Policy Solutions in Manitoba

The first section of Road to Resilience: Volume 3, Policy Solutions is here

The 2023 provincial budget is too sparse on climate spending

Climate spending creates jobs, saves households money, and creates healthier, more equitable communities

Who We Are 

Manitoba’s Climate Action Team (CAT) is a coalition of environmental organizations in Manitoba working together to envision, investigate, and promote a road to climate resilience in our province. Member groups came together in late 2017 to independently review and consult with the public over the Province’s recently released Climate and Green Plan. CAT was formed one short year later when the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) 1.5 Report was released, stating how fast we need to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent irreversible outcomes. This drove home the need for an intentional, collaborative, and grassroots effort to push toward the future that we want.

A Resilient Future

To achieve a true and adequate resilience, Manitoba needs to focus on feeding ourselves, moving ourselves, and sheltering ourselves without the use of fossil fuels.



We need to move all goods and people without gasoline or diesal


We need to feed ourselves locally without fossil fuel fertilizers or diesel for machinery


We need to heat all of our buildings (old and new) affordably without natural gas

The work of Manitoba’s Climate Action Team is made possible thanks to funding from Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Winnipeg Foundation, and donors like you!

Our mission is to provide a framework for individuals, organizations, and communities to communicate and collaborate on a non-partisan, specific, and actionable path that will help Manitoba achieve resilience to climate impacts and move swiftly toward a fossil-fuel free future.